Saturday, November 28, 2015

Devotionals for the Brokenhearted!

Kathy Shelton, co-founder of All for Jesus Ministries, and author of the book, Healing Hearts: A Journey in the Midst of Spiritual Adversity, has created a devotional blog specifically for those who have experienced any type of pain and trauma. Kathy will be adding new posts twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. You can sign up to automatically receive new devotionals via email on the sidebar of the devotionals page. To view the new devotionals page, CLICK HERE

Kathy Shelton is an ordained minister and Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry seminar and workshop speaker. She has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ for over thirty years. Kathy has ministered in the United States and in international locations, including Brazil, Israel, and Mexico. For more information about Kathy Shelton and All for Jesus Ministries, please view our main website at:


Friday, March 20, 2015


Check out the new, official
All for Jesus Ministries website!

The address is:
The website has a fully functional menu including an option for prayer requests! It is much easier to navigate and find what you need. There are hundreds of photos in the Photo Gallery and other additions that are not included on this blog.

May the Lord bless you as you look over the new website!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Healing Hearts by Kathy Shelton is available worldwide!

God is amazing! Just look at what He has done...
Kathy’s book, Healing Hearts: A Journey in the Midst of Spiritual Adversity, was released on February 3, 2014, on the WestBow Press website and is available worldwide. WestBow Press is a division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan.

Healing Hearts can be ordered online in softcover, hardcover, and E-book formats at WestBow Press: on their bookstore page. In addition, it may be purchased from many other websites on the Internet including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Healing Hearts can also be ordered at your local Christian bookstore.

Praise the Lord!

I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
(Psalm 9:1)

Healing Hearts: A Journey in the Midst of Spiritual Adversity is the remarkable story of many emotionally painful and traumatic experiences from author Kathy Shelton’s life, telling how the Lord Jesus Christ healed deep places of emotional and spiritual wounds in her heart so that she could then help others. It was written to encourage those who have undergone painful and traumatic situations and let them know that there is healing and freedom available through the love of Jesus Christ. Healing Hearts is also intended to be a resource for and inspiration to those who are currently serving the Lord or who are considering becoming involved in inner healing ministry.

“Our spiritual growth is often blocked by unhealed emotional and spiritual wounds. Most of us have been unaware of the effect that the painful and traumatic events in our lives have had on us and our ability to grow in the Lord. … Unless healing occurs for the pain that has been stuffed, we may struggle for years and sometimes our entire life in our walk with God.
“Spiritual maturity is a process. It is not something that occurs automatically the moment after we ask Jesus into our lives. Oh, if it were just that simple! In James 1:4, we are instructed to become mature and complete, not lacking anything. … We must pursue spiritual maturity.”

Kathy Shelton is an ordained minister, co-founder of All for Jesus Ministries, and a Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry seminar and workshop speaker. She has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ for over thirty years. Kathy has ministered in the United States and in international locations, including Brazil, Israel, and Mexico.

We hope that you will be blessed, inspired, encouraged, and challenged as you read the incredible testimonies of the Lord's faithfulness and healing power!

For more information,
please visit the All for Jesus Ministries website at:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reviews of Healing Hearts, Kathy's book

Praise the Lord! We have been receiving testimonies of how the Lord has blessed people who have read Kathy's book, Healing Hearts: A Journey in the Midst of Spiritual Adversity.
If you have read Healing Hearts and would like to share your review or testimony, please send an email to:
The following reviews of Kathy's book were posted on We thank each one of you who took the time
 to share your thoughts.
Amazing God Inspired Healing Book
September 21, 2014
Format: Paperback
Excellent God inspired book! As I read this book, God was touching my heart where I had some very deep pain from my past. I was able to release this painful trauma from my heart and let God heal me. IT WAS AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE! This book is a must read for every Christian believer.
by: Marcia V.

One of my favorite chapters in this book is on rest.
August 7, 2014
Format: Hardcover
While reading this book I could clearly see the stories Kathy wrote about. I was able to put myself in her shoes in so many of the testimonies she shared. Having served in ministry for 20 years myself, one of my favorite chapters in this book is on rest. Many times in ministry we forget to take the time to care for ourselves, to see that in order for us to care well for others we must care for our own temples. It was a great reminder-especially in the area of healing ministry. So many things in here provide insight and help to those seeking healing or longing to be a tool for Him to work through.
by: Valerie D.
A Message of Hope
April 17, 2014
Format: Paperback  
Kathy's painfully honest truth regarding her journey to healing gives hope that there is an answer for all who seek freedom. Having experienced this freedom for herself, she now ministers the love of Jesus to others so He can fulfill His promise to "heal the broken hearted."
by: Donna M.
A must read!
March 31, 2014
Format: Paperback
An excellent book for any woman who on a spiritual journey encounters unanswered questions dealing with pain, trauma, healing, forgiveness, faith, spiritual warfare and purpose. Find guidance, wisdom and spiritual direction in this book!
by: Teresa G.
Excellent Book
March 24, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
I have been a counselor for 30 years and I found this book easy to read and very informative. I recommend books to people I am ministering to and this book will definitely be one I recommend often. If you have been affected by any kind of abuse that always involves trauma and this book is an excellent one for you to read.
by: Jayne T.
Tired of your personal baggage?
March 23, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition
This book is a must for those with a past that still haunts or hurts them. It invites, inspires and gives instructions on how you can become whole and healed.
by: Kaaren C.
Healing and encouragement for the broken heart
March 22, 2014
Format: Paperback
Years of listening to people’s insides coalesce into an easy-to-read book, that is full of common sense, wisdom, compassion and insight. Each person can find themselves somewhere in its pages, and benefit. Inner pain is not to be endured, but released; and the reader is encouraged to find help to do this, when needed. Encouraging testimonies, including Kathy’s own transparent life, dot the pages. Highly recommend.
by: Maria

Keys to walking in freedom!
March 13, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition 
Very well written! Informative! Has tips and keys for receiving freedom from past trauma. Other people go through "stuff" too is a relief to anyone seeking inner healing. A must read for those wanting healing from past abuse and trauma. The chapter on spiritual warfare, other traps, trusting God and spiritual growth were excellent. The author gives great insight into forgiveness, repentance and everyday life. I highly recommend this book.
by: Gaile M.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Seasons of Healing

Jesus can lead us through seasons of healing from past emotional pain and trauma if we will let Him. Rarely does He release all the past pain and trauma at one time. The emotional healing He provides usually occurs in different seasons of our life.

Seasons of healing can last days, weeks, months, or even years. The important thing is that you enter the season trusting the Lord to lead you through it. You must have the courage to enter or re-enter the healing process whenever He directs you to do so.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Sometimes a season of healing begins spontaneously without us doing anything to initiate it. Emotional pain from the past can be, and often is, triggered and comes up as the result of current painful or traumatic situations. When that happens, we need to trust that the Lord knows the perfect time for healing of an area of emotional pain and trauma and follow His guidance to pursue freedom.

We should pray as Jeremiah prayed in Jeremiah 17:14, "Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise." However, we also need to realize that the healing of emotional pain and trauma can be a painful process, especially if you have experienced serious emotional trauma or a lot of it over a long period of time.
We must enter seasons of healing with this realization that we may experience pain during the process. Just as healing from physical surgery, illnesses, or accidents normally involves pain, healing from emotional pain and trauma is a journey that includes good days and difficult ones. Don't expect the healing journey to be a piece of cake.
If you fell into a cactus plant, and needles were lodged in your body, there most certainly would be pain involved in their removal. We are blessed as followers of Jesus that He can apply supernatural anesthesia during the healing process and minimize or eliminate the pain  of the process completely as He releases the original emotional pain and trauma.
The end result of going through seasons of healing is worth whatever the journey may require. Be diligent and wise in seeking help from a Christian counselor or prayer minister if you need more than prayer from a family member or friend. Always give God praise and thanks for the freedom and healing He provides every step of the way. Thankfulness increases joy and they are both essential in the healing process.
I will praise You, O Lord,
with my whole heart;
I will tell of all Your marvelous works. Psalm 9:1

Another very important aspect of completing the journey through seasons of healing is waiting with hope. When we see a rose bud that has not yet opened, we wait with hope that it will someday be a beautiful flower. Waiting on the Lord and His perfect timing for the seasons of healing in your life to be accomplished brings freedom in and of itself. It brings freedom from fear and hopelessness.
I would have lost heart,
unless I had believed
That I would see the goodness
of the Lord
In the land of the living.
Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!
Psalm 27:13-14
Our prayer for you is that you will face the emotional pain and trauma as the Lord leads you into your seasons of healing and that Jesus will release that pain and trauma so that you can blossom into all He has planned for your life.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

For more information, please visit the All for Jesus Ministries website at:
All quoted Scriptures are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.