Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Holidays

What a blessing it is to get together with family and friends during Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years, birthdays and other times of celebration.  However, these times can also be very emotionally painful for many people.


When emotional pain or trauma from the past is "triggered" during the holidays, it can be extremely difficult for those who are unknowingly carrying that pain.  They may not realize that their reaction to Aunt Suzie or Uncle Harry is really partially the result of past pain that has been buried and is now coming to the surface.

An example of emotional pain from the past being triggered after over six decades was related to Kathy by one of her ministry recipients several years ago.  This woman, Betty (not her real name), had been married for over 50 years when she asked her husband to go to the store for her to buy a jar of pickles.  Betty told him the type and brand of pickles that she wanted, but when he returned home, he had a jar of generic pickles that was not even the type that she had requested. 

Well, this woman who was in her seventies said that she went into a rage!  However, Betty also had some knowledge about inner emotional wounds and quickly realized that her reaction had very little to do with the pickles.  So, she asked the Lord what was going on with her, and He revealed the root of her emotional outburst.  When Betty was a child, her family was very poor and her mother only bought things that were the least expensive.  If her mother came home with anything that was not the cheapest item, this woman's father went into a rage.  The pain and trauma that surfaced when Betty's husband came home with the generic pickles had been stuffed for over 60 years!

PRAISE THE LORD!  Betty received the healing and freedom that she needed from this past emotional pain and trauma through Jesus Christ.  You can also receive the same healing and freedom if you will pursue it with a qualified, trained Christian minister.  Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry is one type of inner healing ministry meant to help people get set free and healed from emotional, spiritual, and physical pain and trauma.

For more information, please visit the
All for Jesus Ministries website at:

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Do you understand trauma and its effects?
Many people believe that trauma is something that is experienced in extreme cases like being in the Twin Towers on 9/11.  However, we have all gone through traumatic situations in our lives to one degree or another. 

Trauma includes but is not limited to physical abuse, spiritual abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, molestation, rape, death of a loved one, divorce, accidents, and natural disasters.

Depending on our childhood and how our brains developed, we can react to trauma in very different ways.  Someone that had a nurturing and stable childhood and has experienced a small amount of trauma in their life's journey may be able to survive and recover from much higher levels of trauma without serious, lingering painful effects as opposed to someone who has had a more unstable and traumatic life.

Current traumatic situations can and often do bring the emotional pain of similar past traumatic experiences to the surface. Since we do not know what they have endured in the past, we should never judge a person's reactions to situations in their lives.

  • Trauma is energy.  It comes at you like a blow to a bone.  That bone can receive a hair-line fracture, a splintering, a complete break or several breaks depending on the force behind the blow.  Emotional and spiritual trauma have a similar effect on our hearts, minds, and spirits.

  • Trauma that does not receive healing will steadily distract our focus and drain our energy away from reaching our God-given destiny.  The pain from trauma will fester and eventually erupt like a volcano if it is not released and healed.

Jesus Christ can release and heal your emotional and spiritual pain
and trauma from the past!  The Healing the Brokenhearted
Ministry includes prayers that help do just that.  


Secondary trauma is trauma that happened to someone else that you heard about or saw, but did not directly involve you.

Secondary trauma can have a significant impact on our hearts and spirits even though we did not experience the traumatic event first-hand.

  • Ministers, counselors, mental health professionals, police officers, firefighters, and people in many other professions that deal with the public can carry extreme and sometimes debilitating amounts of secondary pain and trauma!
A lady that attended one of our previous seminars told Kathy that she had to stop counseling due to the secondary pain and trauma that had built up in her! She had been a licensed counselor for many years.
    This secondary trauma can also be released and the ministry recipient can be set free through prayer during the Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry.
For additional information about the Healing the Brokenhearted Ministry,
please visit the All for Jesus Ministries website at: